The truth is long-standing. It surpasses the noise people can talk and echoes into eternity. It’s the rock that doesn’t erode even when crashing waves seek to engulf it. It’s the gentle whisper under the noise that is filled with certainty and honour. It’s the love that can open our eyes and though it can temporarily hurt our heart it often saves our soul. The truth is the invisible chord that connects us directly to our creator. It seeks to heal, to love, to bring about justice and restoration. The truth is the precursor to forgiveness. For without truth we can never know that which we may now be given the opportunity to forgive. The truth shares but sometimes it stays hidden, enclosed in a private space until and if it decides it is time to come out. Sometimes it’s not for people to know, yet even then it is never hidden from God. The one who is sees, hears and knows all.