
Witchcraft & Does God/Jesus want a relationship with us?

After coming close to death a few times it became clear that there were things in life I could have done better. Two of these been knowing more my identity in God and having a deeper relationship with him.

Blaming myself is pointless; I have already done that enough especially where some major things that happened were completely out of my control. What I could do now was understand that The Lord wants me in regular connection with him. Where before I prayed, I could lean on him through his word and just talking to him more, as well as listening to what he had to say to me.

There was much about my past I regretted; mainly unknowingly getting involved in witchcraft through visiting psychics and relying on outsider’s opinion who were not led by God; instead of resting in Gods truth; which I didn’t fully know. I can’t stress enough how bad witchcraft is. It may seem innocent but it opens doors to demons and will cause havoc in someone’s life. You wouldn’t feed your body Mcdonalds everyday and expect to have a healthy body; so why would you feed your soul too much dark stuff. Witchcraft is dark. In the worst kind of way. It is not trusting the creator and not understanding his love for us. People can be born with intuitive gifts or develop these but if they are not filtering this through the Holy Spirit/ God, they are not going to help themselves or others. They are going to cause unnecessary pain. Mental torment, emotional distress, spiritual confusion, physical illness. It is all linked.

If you have engaged in witchcraft, repent to God and seek a genuine relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. I did it unknowingly myself; out of ignorance and innocence as well as a need to heal from severe trauma. BUT Life is too short to play with your salvation and Gods way is always better.

God actually Loves us and wants good for us; demons don’t.