
Homemade Original Carob Brownies

Eating and preparing meals and snacks with food chemical intolerances and allergies can be tricky but I have learnt to get creative sometimes and not worry about if a recipe doesn’t come out perfect. Letting go of that perfectionisitic streak has been helping me as I will likely be food prepping for the rest of my life; unless they build restaurants specifically for food chemical sensitive people and food allergy people 😉 Maybe i am envisioning too far ahead 😉 like the jetsons or something.

As I can’t do chocolate or if I do it has to be a certain brand and in very small amounts (which I am still not convinced about) it is easier for me to use Carob. Both Carob powder and Carob Syrup. The best part of this though, is that Carob is actually good for us! It has way more nutritional value then chocolate and can be adapted to different recipes and even added to milk or hot water for a chocolate drink alternative.


~Organic Self raising flour (Cook can use their discretion as to how much they want to use, for instance 2 cups) . If no self raising flour can use normal flour but add an agent to the cake like Cream of Tartar and Bi-Carb to cause the recipe to raise in the oven.

~Rice Oil

~2-3 eggs

~Rice Malt Syrup (An alternative to sugar )

~Carob powder (Cook can use their discretion as to how much they want to use)

~Cashews nuts (I crush them or chop them smaller)

~Carob Syrup

I add the liquids together in one bowl and mix, then the flour and powder together in another then mix and combine. I add these to my plastic bar cutouts; you may use a cake tin or a muffin tin or alternative depending on the shape you like and if you want the recipe as one whole food item or seperated. I then cook for 30 minutes at 170 degrees. This is an estimate so use your discretion and check if need be if you need to cook longer. Also the cake or muffins/bars may need to be turned over. I then remove from oven, allow to cool, remove from tray and add Coconut yoghurt and half a teaspoon of carob syrup to top it off. You can also add peeled soft boiled pears as an extra and you have yourself a very tasty and healthy dessert. NB: Plain coconut yoghurt is the safest yoghurt for me but you may have an alternative.

Us with these chemical issues and allergies know that sometimes our food can be limited and bland, so when we find ways to combine ingredients and create something with more flavour its pretty awesome.

Until next time..