
How I handle victim blaming..

As someone myself like alot of people who has experienced victim blaming I try not to take offence to people’s ignorance and lack of compassion though this wasn’t easy. I feel when people are like this it is sad and shows on their part that they are in fear or hard hearted in this area because alot of victim blaming is centred around people who are scared it could happen to them so it is easier to blame a victim. People are also caught up in their own lives and hearing about someone being raped is not something they want to take on board. I get this and to be honest, healing at times on my own has been easier for me.

I believe in Jesus so from a biblical perspective we are all sinners who have sinned at some point even if it’s lying once or jealousy or greed etc, so we all need Jesus Christ as our saviour including rapists but there is never a reason to think someone deserved to be raped; that is a perspective of someone who doesn’t truly understand and I try to remember not everyone is going to get it. Victims are definitely deserving of empathy but not everyone has the capacity for it so you got to seek it out sometimes.
