
My belief in HELL and how we can avoid it..

Scary ghost on dark background

Just as life on Earth has both good and evil; with the war being one example of extreme evil currently taking place. The afterlife also I believe has both good and evil forces at play. The demonic realm wants us to be controlled by it’s darkness. It wants nothing good for us and has no love in it at all. The demonic realm is completely void of love; it has no interest in us living out God’s will and plan for our lives which is why it seeks to completely destroy us and our lives. When people open up doors to the demonic realm destruction can knowingly or unknowingly ensue.

Demons literally have an absolute feast on our misery. They love it. They love when we have no relationship with God, if we become suicidal, when we forget that God created us, when we are being hurt and in pain. They love to wreak havoc on relationships, for us to enter toxic connections, to instill fear in us. They have a field day on overpowering us.

All of this is akin to hell. Hell I believe is real. It is rejection of christ and real physical pain as well as mental, emotional torture. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to go there.

Hell is where the truly wicked reside. It is not a fun party place but a real place of dark torment.

Jesus came so we can avoid going there. He bore the weight of our sins so we can reside after we die with God in heaven. Jesus’ love for us was so great he took the pain for us. He wants all to come to salvation; all to know God and all to know the Love he has in each of us through the Holy Spirit.

Rejection of God/Jesus will not bring peace. Anyone can repent of their sins today and come to know God and avoid their soul ending up in Hell.

This is not about religion; this is a real, tangible relationship with the creator. You can talk to him like you would a friend, a father, someone who loves and cares about you. Hell I believe is real and he doesn’t want to see you going there.
