
A food journey..

Yesterday I ate some packaged chocolate, it was a healthier brand but bingo! Today I awoke with some allergy/chemical intolerance symptoms. Packaged food is a tricky one for those with sensitivities and allergies. You see when we make food from scratch ourselves we can know every ingredient and are in control of that. The food is often pure, with packaged food however there is a possibility of some items not being listed or us missing them or hidden ingredients. Corn for example has 200 derivatives. So every ingredient needs to be checked to see if the product contains corn. Mostly I avoid packaged food; but one thing I did miss alot was chocolate. 🤪 Allergies and food chemical sensitivities can be a hit and miss area.

We are told we are not allergic to certain things and others we are but until we trial some of these things ourselves we may never know. I know I am the final authority on what goes inside my body and I know my body best; I am the one living in it. Allergies point to a sensitive system at times and that sensitivity needs to be honoured; not trampled on. I also believe you can have allergies and be good at/ talented at different things and exercises that involve the body. Food sensitivity is not indicative that the whole body overall cannot work well; but as food is such a big part of our lives, like clothing and shelter it is a basic need then attention to allergies and food chemical intolerances cannot be bypassed or avoided.

I have done alot of my own personal research as well asking key questions in unlocking what is happening in my system and it’s connection to allergies. When we see we can learn about our food allergies and chemical intolerances and go from there; the journey may become less scary but a process. Our learning can allow for mistakes as it should and we can try again. Always with an epipen closeby if anyone has anaphylactic reactions. If others don’t believe we have these sensitivities then we can go where people do. Perhaps a doctor may gaslight us or think we are making something up, we may be able to go to a new doctor! Self advocacy may be crucial to allergy living. It really is a journey of uncovering what our system can and cannot tolerate and leaning into that sensitivity with care.

Cooking for me can be both tedious and fun. I generally don’t let others cook for me, it’s not an offensive thing just easier that way..we live we adapt.