God sometimes I wonder if you are real
if there’s a Hell?
And what today do I feel.
Because what about those who don’t believe?
Who don’t know what to do as they grieve?
God sometimes it feels a foggy mess;
But I see the way you connect me when I feel less.
And the human struggle we seem to each have;
cloaked in different pain;
but all sometimes equally sad.
And I wonder if the words in the bible are true?
I guess my intellect likes to question you.
For my heart knows pain that runs deeper than I can always say.
And sometimes even when I only have a mustard seed of faith;
I will still pray.
But sometimes God I wonder if it is only you?
Or if these other Gods are also true.
But I guess I can let it all sit with me;
Knowing and somehow with a fragile trust;
Allow you to show me.
~How you have set me free?