
10 things I love about me…

  1. Being small. I was made this way for a reason so might as well be ok with it
  2. Inner strength. I had no choice but to survive
  3. Connection to God. It is such a sacred, special connection we can all have
  4. I can be quiet but I generally don’t wish harm on people. Trauma has made me moody and angry at times but I don’t wish others harm
  5. I have somehow managed to cook and create some recipes despite having tricky food allergies and food chemical sensitivities and intolerances
  6. My ability to research, if there is an area I need to learn about I will read in depth about it sometimes which gives me a thorough understanding of some things
  7. I love dogs
  8. I think having a connection to God gives me certain spiritual gifts
  9. Despite being sick sometimes I can still be grateful
  10. I have been single for a long time and because of that I am independant in some ways