
20 things about me..

  1. Favourite movies: Dirty dancing, Splash, Avatar, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Films about Heaven, God, Angels/ Miracles.
  2. Favourite books: Biographies/Life writing.
  3. Belief in Hell/ Evil? YES!
  4. Belief in God/Jesus? YES!
  5. How do I deal with sadness? I feel it, I sit in it, I sometimes go very quiet, I get creative
  6. Have I ever been in love? Yes
  7. Do I believe I have met the love of my life ? No, but I could be wrong
  8. Is the childfree life all glamourous? NO. But this is my path
  9. Do I always think I am pretty? No, somedays I feel prettier than others.
  10. Am I shallow? I don’t think I am, I can think very deeply though some probably perceive me as being different to that. Who knows.
  11. Has a friend ever broken my heart or vice versa? YES! People can have different values and life changes, forgiveness is key; but sometimes I need to distance myself to live my path and purpose. After too much trauma I kept to myself, it got very urgent. I am also part introverted.
  12. Is my value/worth in my bank account? Definately not. It is in my relationship and connection to God
  13. Do allergies make me feel down? They can. There is a scientific link between allergies and depression.
  14. Am I athletic? I use to play A grade netball at one point when I was little, and could long distance run and play some other sports. I was once offered a school dance sponsorship/scholarship when I was little but the offer wasn’t taken up and I never got consistent dance lessons. Right now I just turned 40 and I tend to like gentle exercise and low grade cardio stuff at the gym, pretty simple stuff.
  15. Do I believe life is a competition? The world sees it that way sometimes, when we live for God’s will we can know following his plan for us can be even better
  16. Favourite food? At the moment I am loving 3 ingredient homemade pasta
  17. Health battle? One is that I have lived with painful periods since forever; joys of womanhood.
  18. Have I been lonely before? YES! understatement, but God has got me in the palm of his hand
  19. Was sharing parts of my path embaressing for me? Not sure embaressing is the word. It was definately painful at times
  20. Do I have a private side? Yes, no one can watch me go to the toilet. No but yes but no but yes I do have a private side.
  21. And lastly question 21 because 20 questions felt far too normal and ‘blog like’. Am I actually an old lady sometimes who drinks tumeric and ginger tea and calls that quiet fun? This may be true.

Until next time…